These are all Wargames Factory Romans.
The four test figures - command for my 16 figure century. |
The grim faced Centurion. |
Legionary in drab. |
They paint up quite nicely and although the detail is not as crisp as the plastic sets that have appeared since, they are still a good product.
I tried to use the Little Big Men decals that came with the box. I'm not sure if the problem is that they are a bit too old or not, but I found them fiddly and too easy to tear. After three attempts I gave up and just painted the shields. I don't think they look too bad and it was easy enough to do. The Gauls will have painted shields so both sides might as well be consistent.
I'm working on a 1:5 scale, so 16 figures represents 80 men, or one century. I'll have four centuries giving me one cohort. Adding in some skirmishers, a scorpio and allied Gallic cavalry, that will be my 1500 point Roman garrison which will be in the middle of a rebellion by local Gauls. Which Gauls will side with the Romans? Can the legionary fort hold out? These are the questions I hope to answer in a solo campaign.
I need to finish the SAGA Normans and my In Her Majesty's Name companies, and then the Gallic Wars will be all on.